Recently moved into a new house, and hired some contractors off craigslist, most are good, here are some bad apples, buyers beware!:
1. A tree service handyman with phone number 772-919-5833, started work, did about 80% of work, then requested payment in full, says will finish the job the next day. I wasn't going to be home the next day, so I agreed to pay him in full. He never came back the next day, no response to calls/text, I had to spend more money to hire someone else to finish the job.
2. A plumber going by the name Paul, with phone number 609-480-2955, I needed a gas line moved and need to be guaranteed to pass inspection, he did 90% of the work, but forgot to install a fitting required by code. The inspection failed, and I ask him to come back to fix his work, he never came back, no response to calls/text. I have paid him 90% of the money. So he didn't really scam me in terms of money, but made it difficult for me since I had to hire another plumber to do a tiny job of installing a single fitting.